Cara Memperbaiki & Lsquo; Pengecualian Tidak Ditangani telah berlaku dalam Aplikasi anda & rsquo; Ralat pada Windows?

Kesalahan " Pengecualian win32 yang tidak ditangani berlaku dalam * application_name * 'ralat biasanya terjadi ketika pengguna mencoba melancarkan aplikasi yang dibangun di Visual Studio. Sebilangan besar kes ralat yang dilaporkan berkaitan dengan Uplay, Internet Explorer dan beberapa permainan Legacy yang pada mulanya dibina untuk versi Windows yang lebih lama.

Catatan : Inilah cara memperbaiki Perpustakaan Waktu Jalan yang berkaitan dengan Visual C ++.

Apa yang menyebabkan ralat "Pengecualian Tidak Ditangani dalam Aplikasi Anda" pada Windows?

Terdapat beberapa sebab mudah dari masalah ini dan masalahnya dapat diatasi dengan berkesan jika anda dapat mengenali senario anda hanya berdasarkan mengenal pasti punca yang betul. Lihat senarai di bawah:

  • Antivirus anda mungkin penyebabnya - Beberapa alat antivirus seperti Panda Antivirus diketahui menyebabkan masalah ini, jadi pastikan anda menggantinya.
  • Program atau perisian hasad tertentu mungkin sedang berjalan - Jika program atau perisian hasad yang terpasang berjalan di komputer anda, anda mungkin ingin menyingkirkannya. Pastikan anda melakukan boot bersih untuk melihat apakah itu sebab yang betul.
  • Pemasangan Microsoft .NET Framework rosak - Sekiranya fail terasnya rosak, anda boleh mencuba memperbaiki pemasangannya, memasang versi yang lebih baru, atau melakukan imbasan SFC.
  • Debugging skrip diaktifkan melalui Registry - Ternyata, kunci registri tertentu dapat menyumbang kepada kemunculan masalah ini. Untuk mengatasinya, anda perlu mematikan Skrip Debugging Via Registry Keys.
  • Pelanggaran akses di Msvcr92.dll - Penyangga sumber yang melebihi atau bait akhir yang tidak betul juga merupakan kemungkinan penyebab masalah ini. Untuk mengatasinya, anda perlu memasang setiap kemas kini Windows yang belum selesai.
  • Memadamkan kunci pendaftaran pelancar Ubisoft - Jika anda melihat ralat ini semasa cuba melancarkan Uplay.exe, ini disebabkan oleh bug dengan Ubisoft Game Launcher. Masalah ini juga dapat diselesaikan melalui pendaftaran dengan menghapus nilai milik pelancar ini.
  • Kerosakan fail sistem - Ketidakkonsistenan fail sistem juga dapat menimbulkan masalah ini. Kerosakan ringan dapat diselesaikan dengan imbasan DISM dan SFC yang sederhana. Dalam keadaan yang lebih teruk, pemasangan atau pembaikan yang bersih akan membantu anda menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

Penyelesaian 1: Pasang setiap Kemas kini Windows yang belum selesai

Salah satu penyebab paling umum yang akhirnya menyebabkan ralat "Kesalahan pengecualian win32 yang berlaku " adalah aplikasi yang dibina untuk platform x64 menggunakan MSVCR90.DLL yang akhirnya memanggil fungsi strncpy.

Dalam kes ini, pelanggaran akses yang dicetuskan dalam fail Msvcr92.DLL kemungkinan besar akan menyebabkan aplikasi berhenti bertindak balas dalam fungsi strncpy. Penyangga sumber yang melebihi atau bait akhir yang tidak betul adalah penyebab utama masalah ini.

Nasib baik, Microsoft sudah mengetahui masalah ini dan telah mengeluarkan hotfix untuk masalah ini yang akan menyelesaikannya secara automatik. Untuk memanfaatkannya, yang perlu anda lakukan ialah mengemas kini versi OS anda ke versi terbaru yang tersedia.

Catatan: Perbaikan terbaru ini diturunkan dalam semakan Visual Studio 2008, yang diperbaharui Windows secara automatik, jadi langkah-langkah di bawah ini bersifat universal dan harus berfungsi tanpa mengira versi OS anda.

Berikut adalah panduan ringkas untuk mengemas kini binaan Windows anda ke versi terbaru untuk memasang hotfix untuk Visual Studio 2008 dan menyelesaikan masalahnya:

  1. Tekan kekunci Windows + R untuk membuka kotak dialog Jalankan . Seterusnya, ketik 'ms-setting: windowsupdate' dan tekan Enter untuk membuka tab kemas kini Windows pada aplikasi Tetapan .

    Catatan: Sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah ini pada Windows 7 atau Windows 8.1. gunakan arahan 'wuapp' sebagai gantinya.

  2. Setelah anda berjaya masuk ke dalam skrin Pembaruan Windows, mulakan dengan mengklik Periksa kemas kini . Kemudian, mulailah mengikuti arahan di skrin untuk menyelesaikan pemasangan setiap Pembaruan Windows yang sedang menunggu untuk dipasang.

    Catatan: Perlu diingat bahawa sangat penting anda memasang setiap kemas kini, bukan hanya yang penting. Oleh kerana hotfix disertakan dalam penyemakan Visual Studio, anda mungkin menemui kemas kini yang dipersoalkan di bawah Pilihan, jadi pastikan untuk memasang semuanya.

  3. Sekiranya anda diminta untuk memulakan semula sebelum anda berpeluang memasang setiap kemas kini yang tersedia, lakukanlah. Tetapi pastikan untuk kembali ke skrin yang sama setelah permulaan berikutnya selesai untuk menyelesaikan pemasangan kemas kini selebihnya.
  4. Setelah setiap kemas kini yang belum selesai dipasang, mulakan semula komputer anda untuk kali terakhir dan kemudian ulangi tindakan yang sebelumnya menyebabkan mesej ralat untuk melihat apakah masalahnya telah diperbaiki.

Sekiranya anda masih menghadapi ralat " Pengecualian win32 yang tidak dikendalikan berlaku ", beralih ke kaedah seterusnya di bawah.

Penyelesaian 2: Ganti Antivirus Anda

Alat antivirus percuma boleh sangat membantu dan mereka dapat menjalankan tugas melindungi komputer anda tetapi kadang-kadang ia tidak sesuai dengan perkara lain di komputer anda. Pertimbangkan untuk mengganti antivirus anda jika menyebabkan masalah ini semasa dihidupkan!

  1. Klik pada menu Mula dan buka Panel Kawalan dengan mencarinya. Sebagai alternatif, anda boleh mengklik ikon gear untuk membuka tetapan jika anda menggunakan Windows 10.
  2. Di Panel Kawalan, pilih untuk Melihat sebagai - Kategori di sudut kanan atas dan klik pada Nyahpasang Program di bawah bahagian Program.
  1. Sekiranya anda menggunakan aplikasi Tetapan, mengklik pada Aplikasi akan segera membuka senarai semua program yang dipasang di PC anda.
  2. Cari alat antivirus anda di Panel Kawalan atau Tetapan dan klik Uninstall .
  3. Wizard penyahpasangnya harus dibuka jadi ikuti arahan untuk menyahpasangnya.
  1. Klik Selesai apabila penyahpasang menyelesaikan proses dan mulakan semula komputer anda untuk melihat apakah ralat masih akan muncul. Pastikan anda memilih pilihan antivirus yang lebih baik .

Penyelesaian 3: Menghapus nilai Launcher Registry (jika ada)

Sekiranya anda menghadapi ralat "Kesalahan pengecualian win32 yang berlaku " semasa melancarkan Uplay.exe atau aplikasi lain milik Ubisoft, kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh bug dengan Ubisoft Game Launcher mereka.

Ternyata, ini nampaknya menjadi masalah yang meluas pada Windows 10, terutama di kalangan pengguna yang memasang Steam dan Uplay pada masa yang sama.

Beberapa pengguna yang terjejas yang kami sedang berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini berjaya menyelesaikannya dengan menggunakan Editor Registry untuk mencari nilai registri rentetan milik peluncur dan menghapusnya. Ini kononnya dapat menghilangkan konflik, membolehkan kedua-dua aplikasi berfungsi dengan baik di bawah mesin yang sama.

Berikut adalah panduan ringkas untuk menghapus nilai Registry yang berkaitan dengan pelancar Uplay:

  1. Tekan kekunci Windows + R untuk membuka kotak dialog Jalankan . Di dalam kotak teks, ketik 'regedit' dan tekan Enter untuk membuka Registry Editor . Apabila anda diminta oleh arahan UAC (Kawalan Akaun Pengguna) , ketik Ya untuk memberikan hak pentadbiran.
  2. Once you’re inside the Registry Editor, use the left-hand side section of the window to navigate to the following location:

    Note: You can either navigate there manually or you can paste the location directly into the navigation bar at the top and press Enter to get there instantly.

  3. After you manage to land in the correct location, move down to the right-hand section of the screen, right-click on Launcher and choose to Delete to get rid of it.

    Note: In case you can delete the key, here’s how to take ownership of registry keys.

    Note: After you delete it, the launcher will be forced to create a new Launcher string value with fresh data, which should resolve the issue.

  4. Once the key has been deleted, close Registry Editor and restart your computer.
  5. At the next computer startup, repeat the action that was previously causing the “An unhandled win32 exception occurred‘ error and see if the problem is resolved.

In case the same issue is persisting, move down to the next potential fix below.

Solution 4: Reset Internet Explorer (if applicable)

Another potential instance with the potential of creating this issue is a series of corrupted Internet Explorer (IE). If you’re encountering the “An unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplore.exe’ error chances are it appears after a failing script.

To fix this issue, you should reset your Internet Explorer settings via the Internet Options menu. This operation was confirmed to be successful by a lot of users that were dealing with this error.

Here’s a quick guide on resetting Internet Explorer in order to resolve the “An unhandled win32 exception occurred‘ error:

  1. Ensure that Internet Explorer, Edge or any other associated instance is turned off and no background process is running.
  2. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Inside the text box, type ‘inetcpl.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Internet Options menu.Run dialog: inetcpl.cpl

    Note: If you are prompted by the UAC (User Account Control), click Yes to grant administrative privileges.

  3. After you manage to get inside the Internet Properties screen, select the Advanced tab from the horizontal menu at the top. Next, go to the Reset Internet Explorersettings and click on the Reset button.
  4. Once you see the confirmation screen, ensure that the box associated with Delete personal settings is checked, then click on the Reset button.
  5. Wait until the operation is complete, then restart your machine and see if the issue is resolved at the next computer startup.

In case the same “An unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplore.exe’ error is still occurring, move down to the next method below.

Solution 5: Disable Script Debugging and associated Registry Keys (if applicable)

If you’re encountering the issue with Internet Explorer on a machine that has VS installed on it, the issue can also occur due when Script Debugging is enabled and the registry entries end up containing corrupted data.

Several affected users that encountered this issue have confirmed that the issue was resolved after they accessed the Internet Options menu to disable Script Debugging and then deleted the associated keys using Registry Editor.

Here’s a quick guide on doing this in order to fix the “An unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplorer.exe’ error:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, inside the text box, type ‘inetcpl.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Internet Options menu. If you are prompted by the User Account Control (UAC), click Yes to grant administrative privileges.
  2. Once you manage to find yourself inside the Internet Properties screen, use the menu at the top to select the Advanced tab.
  3. Inside the Internet Properties screen, scroll down through the Settings menu and check the box associated with Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer).
  4. Once the modification is enforced, hit Apply to save the changes, then close the Internet Properties window.
  5. Press Windows key + R once again to open up another dialog box. This time, type ‘regedit’ and press Enter to open up Registry Editor. You will need to grant admin access, so click Yes when prompted by the User Account Control window.
  6. Inside the Registry Editor, navigate to the following location using the left-hand menu:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug (32 - Bit Machine) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug (64 - Bit Machine)

    Note: The location of the file we need to delete is different depending on the Windows version that you’re using. If you have a 32 – bit Windows version use the first location, else, use the second.

  7. Once you arrive to the correct location, move down to the right-section, right-click on Debugger and choose Delete from the context menu.
  8. Once this key is deleted, navigate to this second location:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\ (32 - Bit Machine) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework (64 - Bit Machine)

    Note: Access the registry key associated with your Windows bit version that you’re using.

  9. When you arrive at the correct location, move over to the right-hand section and delete the DbgManagedDebugger value by right-clicking on it and choosing Delete from the context menu.
  10. After you manage to delete the value, close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.
  11. Once the next startup is complete, see if the same issue is still occurring.

In case the “An unhandled win32 exception occurred’ error is still occurring, move down to the next method below.

Solution 6: Install the Latest Version of NET Framework and Repair it

Having NET Framework installed on your computer is vital and plenty of modern games and programs depend on you having it installed. Before repairing it, follow the steps below in order to install the latest version on your computer.

Navigate to this link and click the red download button in order to download the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework. After the download has finished, locate the file you downloaded and run it. Note that you will need to have constant access to the Internet. Follow the instructions on-screen to proceed with the installation.

  1. After installing the latest version, it’s time to check its integrity. On your keyboard, use the Windows Key + R key combination to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type in control.exe and click OK in order to open it.
  1. Click the Uninstall a Program option and click Turn Windows features on or off. Make sure you locate the .NET Framework 4.x.x entry and make sure it’s enabled. ‘x.x’ marks the latest version available for your operating system.
  2. If the checkbox next to .NET Framework 4.x.x is not enabled, enable it by clicking the box. Click OK to close the Windows Feature window and reboot the computer.
  1. If .Net Framework 4.x.x is already enabled, you can repair .Net Framework by clearing the box and rebooting the computer. After the computer has restarted, re-enable .Net Framework and restart the computer again.

Solution 7: Perform a Clean Boot

There are various other programs and services which can affect the proper functionality of the Microsoft .NET Framework suite. In most cases, the cause is the antivirus you have installed and you can try disabling it to see if the error persists. However, to make sure nothing can interfere with the installation, we recommend you perform a clean boot which will disable all non-Microsoft programs and services from starting up. This way, you can easily deduct just which program causes this error to happen!

  1. Use the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard. In the Run dialog box type MSCONFIG and click OK.
  2. Click on the Boot tab and uncheck the Safe Boot option (if checked).
  1. Under the General tab in the same window, click to select the Selective startup option, and then click to clear the Load startup items check box to make sure it’s not checked.
  2. Under the Services tab, click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then click Disable all.
  1. On the Startup tab, click Open Task Manager. In the Task Manager window under the Startup tab, right click on each startup item which is enabled and select Disable.
  1. After this, you will need to perform some of the most boring processes and that is enabling the Startup items one by one and restarting your computer. After that, you need to check whether the problem appears again. You will need to repeat the same process even for the Services which you have disabled in Step 4.
  2. Once you locate the problematic startup item or service, you can undertake action in order to solve the problem. If it is a program, you can reinstall it or repair If it is a service, you can disable it, etc.

Solution 8: Use SFC to Scan for Memory Leaks

It has been reported that the Microsoft .NET Framework corruption is related to faulty system files. These problems are rooted deep inside the system files and the only way to try to resolve them is by running the System File Checker (SFC). It will scan your system files for errors and possible repair or replace them. Follow the steps below in order to do so!

  1. Search for “Command Prompt” by typing it either right in the Start menu or by pressing the search button right next to it. Right-click the first entry which will pop up as a search result and select the “Run as administrator” context menu entry.
  2. Additionally, you can also use the Windows Logo Key + R key combination in order to bring up the Run dialog box. Type in “cmd” in the dialog box which appears and use the Ctrl + Shift + Enter key combination for admin Command Prompt.
  1. Type in the following commands in the window and make sure you press Enter after typing each one. Wait for the “Operation completed successfully” message or something similar to know that the method worked.
sfc /scannow
  1. Try to restart your computer and check to see if the Unhandled Exception has Occurred in your Application error continues to appear on your computer.

Solution 9: Performing a Clean Install

If none of the methods presented below have managed to help you in resolving the issue, it’s very likely that you’re dealing with some kind of Windows inconsistency that cannot be resolved conventionally.

If this scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the issue by resetting every component associated with your Windows installation. If you want to go this route, you have two ways forward. It all boils down to the procedure that you want to follow:

  • Repair install (in-place repair) – This procedure is the best approach when you need to refresh every OS component, but some users might end up considering it a little too tedious for their taste. Keep in mind that you will need a compatible installation media in order to enforce this fix, but the major advantage is that all your personal data (including games, applications and personal media) will be preserved even if you don’t back up your computer.
  • Clean install – If you’re looking for the simplest solution, this is the way to go. You will not need an installation media to enforce it (it’s all done through the Windows GUI). But unless you back up your data in advance, be prepared for total data loss.